Delivery and Returns Policy

1. The delivery period is within 30 (thirty) business days from the order confirmation.

2. Delivery will be made to the address provided by the buyer.

3. In cases where the simulations are provided electronically, the delivery will be in the form of sending product access information via email.

4. Even if the CONSUMER does not check their email at the time of delivery, the sent email falls into the CONSUMER's spam folder, or for any reason, the CONSUMER does not receive the sent email, the SELLER will be deemed to have fulfilled its obligation fully and completely. Therefore, the SELLER is not responsible for any damages and expenses resulting from the CONSUMER receiving the product late and/or not receiving it at all. The SELLER is responsible for delivering the product in a solid, complete, and compliant manner with the specifications in the order and any warranty documents and user manuals if applicable.

5. The buyer may return the products within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt, without giving any reason and without paying a penalty, provided that the simulation has not been accessed with the provided username. The withdrawal period for service contracts starts from the day the contract is concluded.

6. The consumer cannot use the right of withdrawal in the following contracts:

a) Contracts for goods or services whose price varies depending on fluctuations in financial markets and is not controlled by the SELLER or provider.

b) Contracts for goods prepared according to the consumer's wishes or personal needs.

c) Contracts for books, digital content, and computer consumables provided on a material medium if the protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, or package have been opened after delivery of the goods.

d) Contracts for services performed immediately in the electronic environment or intangible goods delivered to the consumer immediately.

e) Contracts for services where performance has started with the consumer's approval before the withdrawal period expires.

7. Return requests must be made via email to

8. The refund process for returned products will begin after the products are returned.